Thailand Beyond the Fringe

The author is convinced that the flavour of Thai society can only really be appreciated when taken with a large dose of salty humour. Writing with a robust, biting humour that is at once deeply sympathetic of the non-Thai’s plight, Cooper brings his lifelong experience with Thailand and the Thais to focus on those areas of Thai culture that most trouble or confuse a foreigner, even one living in the country for several years. Thailand Beyond the Fringe is written principally for the expatriate who is in Thailand for the long haul. Cooper, builds on the cultural ground rules set out in CultureShock!, delving deeper into the characteristics of Thais and non-Thais and the interaction between the two. Those who have read his other books, ‘CultureShock! Thailand’ and ‘Thais Mean Business’ will enjoy and benefit from the 100 situations he now covers in this work.

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